5 Fragrances Every Man in the Sales Should Have


We all have a unique scent, but that’s not enough in the world of sales. Perfumes are a necessity if you want stand out, providing the wearer with that added boost of confidence needed to succeed.

Appearances and first impressions count for as much as the work we produce, so wearing the right perfume could be all you need to grab a sale ahead of your competitors.

We hear what you’re saying, you’ve found your favourite fragrance and it’s done the job to this point and become part of your personality, so why bother changing it? Think about your suit, you wouldn’t wear the same suit, with the same tie, shoes and shirt no matter how much you forked out for it; perfume is no different.

If you’re a man in sales, you will know that the nature of the occasion dictates the way you look, act and most importantly, smell. We’ve chosen three perfumes that’ll compliment the perfect salesman in a variety of scenarios. You want to make an impression, don’t you?


There’s a reason Acqua di Gio is a top favourites among men. Its delicate scent makes it ideal for those relaxed and casual environments, where you know your natural swagger will carry you through. Additionally, just about everyone will recognise the fragrance, so not only will you seem relatable, your client will feel they can trust everything you say.

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A favourite among young professionals, this distinct but not overpowering fragrance will bring out the romantic in you, perfect for those occasions when you need to go on the charm offensive to close up a deal. Blue de Chanel has a scent that can conquer the heart immediately without being conscious of it, and it’s certain to make your day a lot easier.


The woody and masculine scent of this perfume, combined with its intensity and seductivity make it a balanced and harmonious fragrance. The midnight blue bottle adds to the freshness and elegance it inspires. We think it exemplifies the man who enjoys to be challenged and finally succeed. Perfect for those hard situations when you need an extra boost of confidence, or for very sophisticated occasions when you want to appear as distinguished and posh as possible.

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Full of energy and freshness, with its tints of citron, cedar and iris, it’s probably among the best perfumes you can choose for a relaxed and casual occasion, maybe with a pair of jeans and a nice T-shirt, for an office party or night out. It has been noted how its scent sticks with you for a long time, thus making it perfect for those occasions where you’re gonna exert yourself with dancing or just being physically active, or even going to the gym or out for a run. After all its name says it. Seems too good of a fragrance to wear when you know you will sweat and whatever, but don’t you think it’s much better than wearing a deodorant that will wear off its effects after an hour leaving you all smelly? Give yourself that extra distinction even when exercizing, your body will thank you!


Warm, inviting, floral and spicily sweet, with an ‘aftertaste’ of tobacco is not a description that sounds particularly inviting, but this is one of the most popular choices for making the women and men around you fall to their knees. First launched in 1996, The Dreamer has become timeless, suitable for when you want to appear fresh, new and authentic. Not to mention the 100ml bottle sells for just £25, so it’s won’t even graze your wallet. If it’s not already waiting for you on the side, get to it.

As the old quote goes, “you are never fully dressed without perfume”. So, if you’re not already, make perfume selection something you think carefully about and watch the numbers grow. Trust us; the right scent can make a noticeable difference.

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