99 Homes – Film review

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99 Homes is a gripping and emotional tale, which follows the life of a struggling family battling the Real Estate industry and the banks responsible for taking away their home. Despite its 2014 release date, the film is set in 2010, when the US foreclosure crisis was at its peak.

Andrew Garfield plays Dennis Nash, a recently unemployed single father living with his mother and child, who has recently fallen behind with his mortgage repayments.Based in Florida, 99 Homes quickly establishes a feeling of instability, in which the typical ‘cardboard’ home can be demolished and rebuilt within a matter of days.


Early on, Nash hears on a knock on the door, only to find Rick Carver (Michael Shannon), the unscrupulous agent who builds his wealth and success from evicting people on behalf of the banks, looking to add Nash to his growing list of evictees. We soon see the belongings of the Nash family on the front lawn; distraught, they have no choice but to acquire temporary accommodation in a motel.

A feeling of shame becomes a common theme throughout the film, starting with the shame of losing your home, escalating to a level in which you are working for the very same person that evicted you. Unfortunately for Nash, he simply can’t say no to Carvers job offer; his family needs the support.

Once Nash begins conducting evictions himself, he is faced with a moral dilemma, although his intentions mean well, with plans to rebuy the house for his family. He manages to cast his initial worries aside and pull through with the eviction much to his mother’s dismay. He continues profiting from the others losing their home, and gradually moulding into the man he would have once hated.

Nash becomes enveloped in the Carver’s lavish lifestyle, eventually reaching a ‘point of no return’, but we are going to leave it there as this film is so good, we do not want to spoil the down/upward spiral of Nash’s new life that develops throughout the narrative.

With its quick pace, tension, and emotional weight, 99 Homes is a must watch, especially if you’re looking to start a career within the Real Estate industry. Humanity and honesty always come first.

Ramin Bahrani
Andrew Garfield, Michael Shannon, Laura Dern
Ramin Bahrani & Amir Naderi

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