The Top 10 Business Apps

There really is an app for everything. Offering you a smarter way to work, these apps will help you manage your time, improve productivity, and organise everything from your schedules to your expenses. We’ve discovered the top 10 apps that will help you work to your very best.

1. Evernote Business

Evernote for business is a cloud-based note -taking app where you can record voice memos, jot down some handwritten or typed notes, save clips from the internet, take some photos (and so much more!), it then makes everything searchable, synced and accessible across all devices and platforms.

Record conferences, note down some inspirational thoughts, and collaborate with colleagues by editing content together while you’re both in the comfort of your own homes, you can even access it whilst offline. The one-stop-shop for capturing, sharing and managing information.

2. Meeting Mapper

Meeting Mapper is an iPad app which makes it easy to have truly successful meetings. You can gather up information and map it onto the relevant listed meeting, track the role and stance of every participant, create action items to follow up, and automatically schedule subsequent meetings. The must-have meeting accessory.


3. Expensify

Expensify is a free app which can sync with your credit cards and bank accounts to track purchases in real time, create digital copies of physical receipts using the phone’s camera, and pull together electronic receipts. No need to sit down with a stack of receipts and a confusing expense report form, just file expenses as you make them via this simple app, it’ll then analyse your data and produce a PDF report that can be printed and emailed. Simple.


4. Cisco WebEx meeting centre Virtual meeting

If, like many business figures, you are constantly on the move, it may be tricky to fit in all the various meetings and conferences you have on a daily basis. However, with this app you’re virtual meeting is right there in your top pocket (on you iPhone) so you can be involved in every single meeting, anytime and anywhere.


5. Dropbox

Dropbox and Dropbox for Teams offer a super power tool for businesses and organisations. Forgot your memory stick, confidential information that you don’t want to email yourself, file too big to fit on a single email, you need numerous colleagues to access documents but you don’t have all of their email addresses? Doesn’t matter in the slightest. Get Dropbox. A seamless cloud-based system which synchronises files across any and all devices. All you have to do is drag files into Dropbox and they’re automatically accessible and will immediately sync to everybody’s devices. Easy peasy. Anyone who has access to the password protected Dropbox can edit from anywhere and the changes are saved and synced instantly. (

6. Numbers

A very advanced spreadsheet app that allows you to crunch data and create some impressive charts, tables and graphics. Create and edit spreadsheets on the go, and import data from an array of sources including Excel and emails. Really easy to use and produces great looking professional documents, quickly.



7. anMoney

This simple little app offers a surprisingly easy way to handle multiple complex accounts. You can keep track of money going in and out of various accounts, look at recurring bills and deposits, compile budget reports, as well a large stack of other essential financial functions. You have complete control of your finances, helping you get on top of all your money matters, and get all of your financial assets fully in order. All this right at your finger tips.


8. Stratpad

With Stratpad you can collaborate on strategic business planning activities in real time. You no longer have to be crammed in a boardroom together to have a strategy meeting, looking at one bit of A3 paper. Now everybody in the company can be in on business plans on a multitude of platforms and devices, and can access them from anywhere. You can update plans and they will be automatically synced, generate reports, monitor strategies, and track results using graphs, trend lines and targets.


9. Bloomberg mobile

This app delivers market and general news, as well as stock prices and charts. You’ll receive news and overviews on the world’s money markets, keeping you constantly updated in the current state of play and helping you stay ahead of the pack. The app provides you with a wealth of information regarding market leaders, and laggers, and even tracks market trends by region and by country. The My Stocks function means you can stay in control of your own investments in various indices around the globe. A financial professional must-have-app.


10. UberConference

Organising conferences can be a complete pain at the best of times. Emailing colleagues to set an appropriate time, sending out access codes, waiting for everyone to call in, and then they don’t. Just wonderful. Imagine doing all that while on the road, a nigh on impossibility.  However, now there’s Uberconference where you can select attendees from your phone’s contact list and UberConference will automatically call, email or text them to join, no PIN required. While in on the conference call, the app displays photos and social profiles of all callers and indicates who’s speaking at any given time. The conference call just got useful.

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