Alarm Clocks Guaranteed to Get Your Butt out of Bed

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This month, we’re all about being productive, early risers. We’re all so accustomed to using our phones as alarms, but sometimes a simple beeping just won’t do the trick to get you out of bed. If you’re the type of person who hits snooze twenty times and still ends up not getting up in time, then these ingeniously annoying alarms are for you. Take your pick of funny, entertaining, energetic or just down right cruel.


Nixie Ramos - Technology - Financial Industry ResourcesNixie Ramos

There’s nothing quite like defusing a bomb to kick-start your day. Surprisingly, there are quite a few bomb defusing-style alarms out there, but this one is slightly less terrifying but still just as effective. The only way to turn off the alarm is to get out of bed and walk to the wireless defuse panel where you have to punch the code into the keypad, which changes every day (hint: it’s the date). By placing the defuse panel in your kitchen, at least you’ll ready to make the coffee.

KUKU - Technology - Financial Industry ResourcesKUKU

This is quite possible the most hilarious alarm clock of all time. This little thing crows at you whilst laying eggs. The hen will only stop “KUKU”ing at you when you have picked up all her eggs and put them back.


Banclock - Technology - Financial Industry ResourcesBanclock

Time is money, my friend! –And we mean this literally. Want to doze for a few extra minutes? Well, it’ll cost you. The only way to turn off this alarm is to deposit money into it. Just to make you feel even guiltier, it’s designed to resemble the national debt clock.

Tocky - Technology - Financial Industry ResourcesTocky

If none of these alarms still manage to get you up, then what better way is there to ensure you’re having an active start than by chasing a super fast, agile and noisy robot around the room? It jumps (up to three feet) off your nightstand and beeps incessantly whilst whizzing around your room until you manage to catch it and turn it off. Oh, and it hides from you. Heck, why not get a few and make things even more interesting? Just make sure your windows and doors are shut, otherwise you’ll be flying down the street in your jammies chasing a clock. It really is quite entertaining to watch, as long as you’re not the one doing the chasing.

Bonus Tip:

Tocky records up to six hours of personal wake-up messages. If you record the audio of the “JESUS CHRIST IN RICHMOND PARK” video as Tocky’s alarm, we’re willing to bet you won’t risk your neighbours seeing you running after a clock yelling after the all-too-famous “FENTON!”


There are so many ridiculously creative and amazing concept alarms out there, like one that wakes you up to the smell of bacon that it’s cooking; or a rug you have to stand on to deactivate (that then says motivational quotes as a reward); and one that literally shreds your money if you don’t get up. Whether these concept alarms actually make it to market or not is uncertain, but the alarms above are plenty to keep us out of bed.

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