Cold calling is the sales technique that most graduate sales execs and even experienced sales professionals fear, hoping to dismiss and reject everything about it. Most of the time, this attitude is due to a misunderstanding of the very nature and purpose of cold calling (also known as ‘canvassing’).
However, it’s well recognised as one of the most effective ways to generate new business for a company, and as such it’s time to change the way we see it, so turn that cold-calling frown upside down!
Have a look at the list below to see how customers and sales people view cold calling. You’ll quickly notice it’s full of negative adjectives, dictated by the negative approach we have towards it.
- Unwanted
- Dishonest
- Impersonal
- Invasive
- Robotic
- Unskilled
- Forced
- Unoriginal
- A pain in the A*#e !!
So what can we suggest for you to turn this into one of your best selling techniques, the foundation for long-lasting business relationships and networking opportunities?
Let’s start out by saying that confidence is the key. If you think you’re not good enough, and you’re afraid of picking up that phone, you’ll be stuck exactly where you are right now for eternity. We know you don’t want that, do you? So it’s time believe in yourself!
We hear you, you’ve heard it all before, this sort of advice is simplistic, outdated and incredibly unoriginal. Yet, it’s the one time a cliché actually works. So let’s break it down a bit, how
can you start believing in yourself and your abilities? Preparation my friend, preparation.
Know your company, product or services inside out, along with the person or company you are targeting. Make sure you dive in with a positive mindset and assure your wording is accurate.
Forget any language that may indicate you’re trying to sell something to the person on the other end, the chances are they’ll know that’s why a random person is phoning; gauge the mood of the other party and establish if they’re interested in furthering the conversation with you before you jump in with the pitch. Be concise, ready for any question the potential client may have. Brainstorm the most likely questions you might be asked alongside your reply before you phone, but don’t over-prepare or it’ll completely throw you off of your game.
Don’t forget to listen. Unless you were born with a birth defect, you will have more ears than mouths, there’s a reason for that. You need to create dialog, not a monolog. This will help build trust with your target, giving them the impression that you actually care about their needs.
Be natural with your language and methods of expression – Don’t push your luck until you know what you can get away with. The more genuine you seem, the easier you’ll garner their trust, perhaps leading to their ultimate expression of interest, the all-important purchase. If you’re open and honest, your prospective customer will tend to reciprocate when you’re looking to close the sale.
Start a new cold-calling chapter today, shift to a more positive approach; it is a highly rewarding skill if learnt and instilled correctly. There are plenty of techniques you’ll pick up over a few years, which could turn you into a sales hero. But it starts by seeing cold calling from another perspective.
- Straightforward
- Effective
- Skilled
- Professional
- An art !
Inject some positivity into the concept of cold calling, it’s natural that you’ll perform well and achieve success if you put your mind to it. The best sales people suffer rejections, even those with the most self-belief and a positive attitude, just don’t take it personally. It doesn’t mean you’re not capable of doing your job, the other party just wasn’t the right match. Always keep your spirits high and, at the end of the day, you will feel like your dignity and integrity remain unscathed. It’s all a numbers game, so keep at it until you make that killer deal! The game is on…