BG Consulting


BG Consulting provides the highest quality talent development solutions to the financial services sector. The key to our success is the extensive frontline banking experience of our trainers combined with a proven track record in highly effective teaching.

Our training courses cover a wide variety of disciplines across capital markets, cash and derivative products; corporate finance; accounting and financial analysis; and credit.

All of our courses are tailored to meet your exact requirements.

BG Consulting supports its training programmes with immaculate logistics. The BG logistics team has unparalleled experience in running complex multistream programmes all over the world.

Training Style:

How we approach designing and delivering training depends on the topic, the participants and your objectives.  We frequently deliver very short training sessions to time-strapped professionals who do not want to be away from their desks for more than 2 hours; we are also adept at delivering 20 days of training to graduates who we keep busy with hands-on exercises all day.

 BG trainers are all trained in the prevalent theories of learning.

David Kolb described the adult learning process in a model.

The model describes four stages in learning which build in a circle.  The learner might have a Concrete Experience which is followed by their Reflection on that experience.

 The learner might then derive some general rules describing the experience (Abstract Conceptualisation) and then might construct of ways of modifying the next occurrence of the experience (Active Experimentation), leading in turn to the next Concrete Experience. All this may happen in within seconds, or over a much longer period and there may be a “wheels within wheels” process at the same time.

The most direct application of this model is to ensure that teaching and tutoring activities give full value to each stage of the process. This may mean that for the trainer the major task is to “chase” the learner around the cycle, asking questions which encourage Reflection, Conceptualisation, and ways of testing the ideas. (The Concrete Experience itself may occur outside the classroom).

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