Powerful Words that Help you Close More Sales

deal300The art of selling cannot be taught, it is either you have the talent or not, as it’s very similar to an innate capability. Yet, broadening your perspectives and looking at alternative selling techniques and strategies than your own can sometimes help boosting your results, while giving a very good foundation to novices and graduates eager to make the first steps into the sales industry.

The words you use during a business transaction have been proved to be among the most important factors that can determine your success or failure. We’ve compiled a list of a few powerful words that can truly make a difference in turning a no into a yes and close the deal. So, here we go:

You are

Ok, this is tricky. How many times have you approached a client with the usual and common “are you?” Yet, saying ‘you are’ is way more persuasive, as it is more assertive (even if phrased as a question) and puts your client in a position to agree with you from the start, and thus accepting your assertions. This will prove to establish a pattern for lots more future ‘yes’ on their part.

Thank youthankyou

Saying “Thank you for your time” rather than “I appreciate your time” always wins, as it is perceived to be friendlier and sincere. A useful tip that we’re giving you is to follow up an important sales call with a thank you note (our suggestion is to write a sample that can be adapted over time, and send it out by email). Studies show that a note can strengthen the relationship and show your prospect that you’re attentive and go the extra mile.


Using “And” keeps the conversation flowing, while using “But” negates or opens to problems and disagreement. One of your main objectives when aiming at closing a deal is to show possibilities and to establish a ground where both parties feel like they’re working toward the same goals, so saying “but” only creates distance between the two of you. Even when you disagree, just say “yes, and…” and go on with the discussion; trust us, it will prove successful.


Did you know that “Because” is considered to be one of the five most persuasive words in the English language?

Inserting this word into your talk track will help you close the transaction in a smooth way, as the word is validating the reasons why you’re selling a product, it makes the other party acknowledge that you know what/why you’re selling, and shows your assertiveness while stating what is in there for you. It will definitely make your client more compliant with your request.

You’re welcome

When responding to a thanks, it is best if you avoid a quick “no problem” as the word obviously implies problems and has negative connotations. Sticking to the more conventional “You’re welcome” implies giving gratitude back and also suggests that your client is worth your time.

Their name

Calling your prospect by name is a very effective sales technique, as they will feel like they’re at the centre of your attention, and will feel precious and unique, as if what you’re selling is personalized just for them. They will also naturally pay more attention to your words, as a natural mechanism of the brain gets triggered when being addressed directly by name.

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